Explore Computers Topic
- 404
- access point
- access time
- accounting system
- accumulator
- add something ↔ on
- affective computing
- AI
- Turing, Alan
- alias
- anti-spam
- anti-virus
- anti-virus software
- app
- Apple Macintosh
- applet
- application
- application software
- arcade game
- architecture
- artificial intelligence
- assembly language
- asynchronous
- AT&T
- attachment
- audit trail
- automate
- automated
- automation
- avatar
- B2B exchange
- B2C
- B2E
- backslash
- backspace
- backup
- back-up copy
- bandwidth
- bar code
- basic
- batch
- batch processing
- baud rate
- bespoke
- beta test
- Big Blue
- Gates, Bill
- bioinformatics
- biometric
- bit
- bitmap
- bloatware
- blog
- Bluetooth
- book entry
- book of final entry
- book of first entry
- Boolean
- bootable
- bootstrapping
- bot
- botnet
- bps
- brain dump
- broadband
- brown goods
- browse
- browser
- bubble jet printer
- buddy list
- bug
- bulletin board
- button
- byte
- Cabinet Office Briefing Rooms
- cable modem
- cad
- California
- Cambridge
- Capita
- caps lock
- cathode ray tube
- CAT scan
- CD-R
- CD-ROM drive
- central processing unit
- central processor
- chaps
- character
- Babbage, Charles
- chat room
- cheat
- checkbox
- chip card
- clerical assistant
- click
- clickable
- client
- client machine
- client-server
- client/server architecture
- clip art
- clipboard
- cloaking
- clock cycle
- clock speed
- cluster
- code
- coder
- com
- Comdex
- comm port
- comms
- compact disc
- Compaq
- compatibility
- compile
- compiler
- computer
- computer-aided
- computer-aided design
- computer-aided manufacture
- computer-aided manufacturing
- computer-assisted
- computerate
- computer-based training
- computer-generated
- computer (industry) analyst
- computer-integrated manufacture
- computerize
- computer-literate
- computer modelling
- computer science
- computer system
- computer virus
- computing
- concordance
- configuration
- configure
- connect
- connectivity
- console
- control
- control key
- cookie
- Corel
- corrupt
- counter
- courseware
- cracker
- cross-platform
- cross-posting
- Ctrl
- cursor
- cutover
- cyber-
- cybercrime
- cybernetics
- cyberpunk
- cybersickness
- cyberspace
- cyberterrorist
- cyberwidow
- data
- data bank
- database
- database management
- database management system
- data capture
- data centre
- data dictionary
- data encryption standard
- data file
- data interchange format file
- data mining
- data processing
- data protection
- Data Protection Act, the
- daytrader
- day trading
- debug
- decision support system
- decode
- decompress
- decrypt
- default
- defragment
- Del
- delete
- deletion
- deliverable
- dematerialize
- demonstration version
- denial of service attack
- deselect
- desktop
- desktop computer
- desktop publishing
- destination site
- dialogue box
- dial somebody/something ↔ up
- digerati
- digicam
- digital nervous system
- digital rights management
- digital wallet
- Dilbert
- direct access
- directory
- disaster recovery
- disc
- disinfect
- disk
- disk drive
- diskette
- disk operating system
- distributed processing
- Dixons
- docking station
- document sharing
- dongle
- dot-matrix printer
- double density
- downloadable
- down time
- downtime
- downwardly compatible
- DP
- driven
- driver
- drop down
- dropdown
- drop-down menu
- dumb terminal
- Easdaq
- e-book
- e-business
- e-commerce
- editor
- edutainment
- e-fatigue
- electronic
- electronic bill of lading
- electronic cottage
- electronic data interchange
- electronic funds transfer
- electronic invoice
- electronic mail
- electronic media
- electronic publishing
- electronics
- electrosmog
- email account
- embed
- encrypt
- end-to-end
- enter
- enterprise application integration
- entry
- e-publishing
- equipment leasing
- erase
- Ernie
- error
- error message
- escape key
- Ethernet
- executable
- execute
- execution
- expansion card
- expansion slot
- expert system
- extension
- extranet
- eye scan
- F2F
- fabricator
- factory preset
- fatware
- fifth generation computer
- file manager
- filename
- file sharing
- file transfer
- filing system
- firewall
- firmware
- first generation
- first in, first out
- first-person shooter
- five nines
- fixed wireless
- flash drive
- flash memory
- flatscreen
- flat screen
- flip chip
- floor broker
- floppy disk
- fly-by-wire
- folder
- font
- footer
- footprint
- forklift upgrade
- Fortran
- forum
- freeware
- ftp
- function
- functionality
- function key
- fungible
- fuzzy logic
- Game Boy
- gameplay
- gamer
- gaming
- Glitter, Gary
- gateway
- gigabit
- gigabyte
- global
- gopher
- Moore, Gordon
- graphical
- graphical user interface
- graphics
- graphics card
- graphic software
- grid computing
- groupware
- hacker
- hacktivist
- handshake
- hard copy
- hard disk
- hard drive
- hardware
- hard-wired
- header
- help
- help desk
- help menu
- help screen
- Hewlett Packard
- hexadecimal
- high-definition
- high-level
- high-level language
- home computer
- home office
- home shopping
- hookup
- hook-up
- host computer
- hot key
- hot link
- hot spot
- http
- hyperlink
- hypertext
- icon
- identifier
- iMac
- inbox
- incremental backup
- incubator space
- industrial design
- infect
- infected
- information exchange
- information retrieval
- information system
- information technology
- infowar
- initialize
- inkjet printer
- input/output
- install
- installer
- Instinet
- Intel
- intelligent terminal
- interactive
- interactive whiteboard
- International Securities Exchange
- Internet cafe
- Internet Service Provider
- interpreter
- intranet
- invoke
- IP address
- iPod
- iris scan
- it
- iterate
- iTunes
- java
- job
- job bank
- joystick
- KB
- keno
- key
- keyboarder
- keypad
- keystroke
- keyword
- kilobyte
- kit
- kludge
- knowledge base
- Kraftwerk
- language
- laptop
- Croft, Lara
- Ellison, Larry
- laser disk
- laser printer
- light industry
- light pen
- line printer
- Torvalds, Linus
- Linux
- listing paper
- listserv
- local area network
- log file
- logo
- low-level
- machine code
- machine language
- machine-readable
- Macintosh
- macro
- magnetic disk
- magnetic media
- magnetic tape
- mailbomb
- mailbox
- mailing list
- mail merge
- mainframe
- mainframe computer
- main memory
- manual
- maximize
- megabyte
- memory
- memory address
- memory bank
- memory card
- memory hog
- Memory Stick
- menu
- message
- metadata
- microchip
- microcomputer
- microelectronics
- microprocessor
- Microsoft
- midi
- migrate
- migration
- Millennium bug
- minicomputer
- minimize
- mips
- mission-critical
- mixer
- modelling
- modem
- module
- monitor
- Moore's Law
- morphing
- motherboard
- Motorola
- mouse
- mouse mat
- mouse miles
- mouse potato
- MP3 player
- MP4 player
- multimedia
- multi-player gaming
- multiple applications
- multiplexer
- multitasking
- nagware
- National Market System
- nerd
- Netscape Navigator
- neural computer
- neural network
- neuroinformatics
- newbie
- new economy
- Nintendo
- node
- noise
- notebook
- number crunching
- object
- object language
- object-oriented
- Ofex
- office machinery
- off-line
- offline
- online
- online catalogue
- online updating
- on-screen
- Open Group, the
- open outcry
- open system
- operating system
- operation
- optical character recognition
- optical fibre
- option
- organizing business
- outbox
- over-the-counter dealing
- over-the-counter market
- over-the-counter share
- over-the-counter stock
- over-the-counter trading
- overwrite
- P2P
- packet
- packet-switching
- page break
- palette
- palm phone
- palmtop
- paperless
- parallel data query
- parallel port
- parallel processing
- password
- pasting
- PC
- PC Card
- PDF file
- pen drive
- Pentium
- personal communicator
- personal computer
- personal electronic device
- personal organizer
- petaflop
- phishing
- ping
- piracy
- pirate
- pixel
- plasma screen
- platform
- platform game
- PlayStation
- plotter
- plug something ↔ in
- pointer
- pop-under
- pop up
- portable
- post-industrial
- PowerPoint
- Naseem, Prince
- printer
- print-out
- printout
- print preview
- processing
- processor
- program file
- programmable
- programmer
- programme trading
- programming
- programming language
- prom
- protocol
- Psion
- pull-down menu
- punched card
- quantum computer
- QuarkXPress
- queue
- qwerty
- random access memory
- read
- read something ↔ out
- read-write
- real-time
- reboot
- re-chip
- refresh
- reload
- remaster
- remote access
- remote control
- remote working
- reseller
- reset
- respawn
- retinal scanner
- retrieval
- retrieve
- retry
- right-click
- road warrior
- robot
- rollover
- Route 128
- router
- routine
- salami slicing
- Samsung
- scalability
- scalable
- scanner
- screen-based
- screen dump
- screen saver
- screensaver
- screenshot
- scroll bar
- scroll key
- searchable
- search engine
- security rating
- self-healing
- send
- serial port
- server
- server farm
- service bureau
- service pack
- set up
- shareware
- shift key
- shoot-'em-up
- shopping bot
- sig file
- silicon
- silicon chip
- Silicon Fen
- Silicon Glen
- Silicon Valley
- sim
- simulation
- single sourcing
- Sinclair, Sir Clive
- slo-mo
- small office/home office
- smart
- smart bomb
- sneakernet
- soft copy
- software
- software engineering
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- sort
- soundcard
- source code
- space bar
- speech recognition
- speech recognition software
- speech synthesizer
- spellcheck
- spellchecker
- spell-checker
- spider
- spider food
- spim
- split screen
- spreadsheet
- spreadsheet software
- spyware
- standalone
- stand alone
- standby time
- Starr Report, the
- starter pack
- start up
- Hawking, Stephen
- Jobs, Steve
- Wozniak, Steve
- storage
- storage unit
- store
- store-and-forward
- strategic information system
- streaming
- Street Fighter
- stylus
- subdirectory
- subroutine
- suite
- Sun Microsystems
- sunrise industry
- supercomputer
- superserver
- switching
- synchronous
- syntax
- synthespian
- system
- system administrator
- systems analyst
- systems programmer
- system tray
- tab key
- tab stop
- tape drive
- taskbar
- techie
- technical support
- technocracy
- techno-geek
- technophobe
- telecentre
- telecommuter
- telematics
- teleprinter
- teleworker
- template
- terabyte
- teraflop
- terminal
- testdeck
- text-to-speech
- third-generation
- third-party software
- thumbnail
- tickbox
- tick box
- Berners-Lee, Tim
- time out
- time-sharing
- title bar
- toggle
- toner
- Hawk, Tony
- toolbar
- toolbox
- topic
- top-level domain
- top-ranking
- Toshiba
- Tottenham Court Road
- touchpad
- touch screen
- trackball
- transaction processing
- transputer
- Trojan Horse
- troubleshooter
- undo
- uninstall
- unique visitor
- Unix
- unlisted share
- unlisted stock
- unrecoverable error
- unzip
- up
- update
- upgrade
- uptime
- usability
- USB drive
- user-friendly
- user group
- user interface
- user name
- US Robotics
- utility
- VActor
- valid
- value-added reseller
- vapourware
- videocard
- video game
- video snacking
- viral marketing
- virtual
- virtual corporation
- virtually
- virtual memory
- virtual office
- virtual organization
- virtual reality
- virus
- voice print
- voice recognition
- wan
- -ware
- war game
- wearable
- Web 2.0
- web browser
- web crawler
- web design
- web development
- web-enabled
- web hosting
- web log
- web log file
- wide area network
- wild card
- window
- Windows
- Wintel
- Wiponet
- wireless internet
- wireless networking
- word
- Wordperfect
- word processor
- workspace
- workstation
- World Wide Web, the
- worm
- write
- write-protected
- Xbox
- Y2K
- yahoo
- zap
- zip file
- zombie
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishcomputercom‧put‧er /kəmˈpjuːtə $ -ər/ ●●● S1 W1 AWL noun [countable] TDan electronic machine that stores information and uses programs to help you find, organize, or change the information a huge global computer network the latest computer softwareon computer The information is stored on computer.by computer Shoppers can send in their orders by computer and pick up their goods later.COLLOCATIONSverbsuse a computerMost people do jobs in which they have to use a computer.log onto a computer (=start using it by typing a password)Next time you log onto your computer, you will have to use a new password.log off a computer (=stop using a computer system that requires a password)switch a computer on/offAlways switch off your computer at the end of the day.start up/boot up a computer (=make it start working)shut down a computer (=close the programs and stop it working)restart/reboot a computer (=make it start working again)The problem sometimes disappears if I restart my computer.program a computer (=give it instructions so that it will do a particular job)hold/store something on a computerThis data is all held on a central computer.a computer starts up/boots upMy computer takes ages to start up in the morning.a computer crashes (=suddenly stops working)a computer is down (=is not working)a computer is up (=is working again after stopping working)software/a program runs on a computerYou’ll need the appropriate software running on your computer.computer + NOUNa computer systemOur office is installing a new computer system.a computer screen/monitorMake sure your computer screen is at the right height.a computer keyboardThe computer keyboard is shaped to put less strain on your wrists.a computer network (=a set of computers connected to each other)A virus had infected the entire computer network.a computer program (=a set of instructions stored inside a computer)At school, we’re learning how to write simple computer programs.computer software (=computer programs)Microsoft Corp is the world’s largest maker of personal computer software.computer hardware/equipment (=machines and equipment, not programs)a shop that sells computer equipmenta computer gameKids love playing computer games.computer graphics (=images created by computers)There’s a massive market for high-speed computer graphics.computer technologythe rapid progress in computer technologycomputer science (=the study of computers and what they can do)the computer industryYou can make a lot of money in the computer industry.a computer companyHe runs his own computer company.a computer userTechnology now allows computer users to talk to each other over the Internet.a computer programmer (=someone who writes the instructions a computer uses to do a particular job)a computer expertYou don’t need to be a computer expert to use the programme.a computer hacker (=someone who tries to break into a computer system)a computer language (=a system of instructions used to program a computer)computer dataCD ROMs store computer data.a computer virus (=a program that secretly destroys information stored on computers)Computer viruses do a lot of damage every single day.a computer errorThe mistake was caused by a computer error. THESAURUSActions when using a computerstart up/boot up to make a computer start workingI’m having problems starting up my computer.log on/in to start using a computer system by typing your name and passwordHe logged on and read his emails.click on something to press a button on a computer mouse to choose a program, file etc from the screenWhen you click on the link, it sends you to the company’s website.install to add new software to a computer so that the software is ready to be usedAll users should install anti-virus software.download to move information, pictures, or music from the Internet onto your computerYou can download MP3 files.upload to move information, pictures, or music from your computer to a different computer across the InternetSites such as YouTube allow you to upload your own videos.open to make a file or program ready to useOpen a new file and type in the information.scroll up/down to move information on a computer screen up or down so that you can read itScroll down to read the questions and answers.enter to type information into a computerThe program requires you to enter a password.delete to remove information from a computerI’ve deleted his email.When you delete a file, it first gets moved to the recycle bin.cut and paste to remove information from one place and put it in another placeTutors are looking out for students who cut and paste their essays from the Internet.save to make a computer keep the work that you have done on itMake sure you save any work you do before you shut the computer down.close to stop having a file or program ready to useTo close the window, click on the ‘X’ in the top right-hand corner of the screen.log off/out to stop using a computer system by giving it particular instructionsI get an error message when I log off.shut down to make a computer stop workingEmployees should shut their computers down at the end of each day.restart/reboot to make a computer start working againWait a few minutes before rebooting your computer.
Examples from the Corpus
computer• computer software• There is no doubt that quick recall of number facts is still an advantage even in the era of calculators and computers.• It is important that all children become computer literate while they are in school.• The information from the survey is being processed by computer.• Complex computer graphics were used to create the film's special effects.• Our office has switched to a different computer system.• Arnie may not win many Oscars, but the big guy's action-packed movies sure make great computer games.• I can't get the program to work on my computer.• Economies of scale and the use of computers were expected to reduce administrative costs.• Many kids spend more time playing computer games than watching TV.• The Internet is larger and has more types of server computers dishing out information.• Just above the milometer was a small computer screen, and Jack guessed that she would find that pretty disconcerting.• I played with a few of the new titles, with lots of technical assistance from some computer literati.• A specification for the computer system which will satisfy the user's requirements begins to evolve.• How long are you going to be on the computer? I need to type something.on computer• Dr. Fonseca's office now keeps all the patients' details on computer.From Longman Business Dictionarycomputercom‧put‧er /kəmˈpjuːtə-ər/ noun [countable, uncountable]COMPUTING an electronic machine that can do calculations very quickly, store information or documents, or do tasks according to a set of instructions called a programWe store all our clients’ details on computer.The winner is chosen by computer.The popularity of the Internet is bringing a massive rise in computer literacy (=when people understand computers and know how to work with them). → fifth generation computer → home computer → host computer → mainframe computer → personal computer → see also laptop, microcomputer, minicomputer, palmtop, supercomputer