From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishPSPS (also P.S. American English) /ˌpiː ˈes/ ●●○ noun [countable] TCM (postscript) a note written at the end of a letter, adding more information → PPS She added a PS to say ‘hi’ to my brother. Best wishes, Julie. PS Maggie sends her love.From Longman Business DictionaryPSPS noun [countable] written abbreviation for POSTSCRIPT; written at the end of a letter when you want to add more information. You can add PPS if more information comes after the PSShe added a PS asking me to send her some money.Best wishes, Julie. PS If Thursday is not convenient, let me know. PPS You can reach me on email at the address below.Origin P.S. Modern Latin postscriptum; → POSTSCRIPT