dirtydirt‧y1 /ˈdɚt̮i/ ●●● adjective (comparative dirtier, superlative dirtiest) 1 not clean, or covered in dirt: Don’t leave your dirty dishes in the sink. How did your shoes get so dirty?THESAURUSfilthy – very dirty: The carpet was filthy.dusty – covered with dust: Piles of dusty books filled every part of the room.muddy – covered in mud: Put those muddy hiking boots outside!greasy – covered with a lot of oil or grease (=an oily substance): She wiped the greasy fingermarks from the table.grimy – covered in thick black dirt: If you wipe your grimy hands on Mom’s clean towels, you’ll be in trouble.soiled formal – made dirty, especially by waste from your body: She put the soiled diaper in the trash.polluted – used about air, land, or water that has been made dirty: We need to clean up our polluted rivers.2relating to sex, in a way that is considered bad or immoral: dirty jokes He was told off for using dirty words in class.3unfair or dishonest and intended to harm someone: a dirty fighter4do somebody’s dirty work to do a bad or dishonest job for someone so that s/he does not have to do it himself/herself: I told them to do their own dirty work.