deepdeep1 /dip/ ●●● adjective
GO FAR DOWN going far down from the top or from the surface ANT shallow:
The path was covered in deep snow.
The water’s about 10 feet/6 inches etc. deep.2GO FAR IN going far in from the outside or from the front:
Terry had a deep cut in his forehead.
The shelf is 3 feet long and 8 inches deep.3FEELING/BELIEF a deep feeling or belief is very strong and sincere:
He harbored deep feelings of hatred toward his former employer.4SOUND a deep sound is very low:
a deep voice5COLOR a deep color is dark and strong ANT light, pale:
a plant with deep green leaves6SERIOUS serious and often difficult to understand:
We ended up having a deep conversation about the meaning of life.7deep sleep if someone is in a deep sleep, it is difficult to wake him/her8a deep breath a deep breath is one in which you breathe a lot of air in, especially because you are upset or nervous:
I took a deep breath and jumped into the water.9be in deep trouble informal to be in serious trouble or in an extremely difficult situation:
Many smaller companies are in deep trouble.10deep in thought/conversation etc. thinking so hard or talking so much that you do not notice anything else:
Martin sat at his desk, deep in thought.[Origin: Old English deop]