From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishflexitimeflex‧i‧time /ˈfleksitaɪm/ British English, flextime /ˈflekstaɪm/ American English noun [uncountable] BECa system in which people work a particular number of hours each week or month, but can change the times at which they start and finish each day
Examples from the Corpus
flexitime• The group members used flexitime without clocks and effectively policed their own team discipline.From Longman Business Dictionaryflexitimeflex‧i‧time /ˈfleksɪtaɪm/ British English, flextime /ˈflekstaɪm/ American English noun [uncountable]HUMAN RESOURCES a system in which people work a fixed number of hours each week or month, but can change the times at which they start and finish each dayJust about everyone in the department is working flextime.Staff wishing to avail themselves of thisflexitime arrangement should discuss it with their manager.