From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishpostmasterpost‧mas‧ter /ˈpəʊstˌmɑːstə $ ˈpoʊstˌmæstər/ noun [countable] TCMsomeone who is in charge of a post office → postmistress
Examples from the Corpus
postmaster• On his retirement the job of district head postmaster will cease to exist, the responsibilities being undertaken by four senior managers.• District head postmaster John Ensoll said he had only received complaints going back to December last year.• A few years ago, the postmaster general suggested the time had come to eliminate mail delivery on Tuesdays and Thursdays.• The board, composed of nine presidential appointees, has the power to hire and fire the postmaster general.• I tried to reply straight to you, but according to the postmaster here at Newcastle, you don't exist!!!• I manage to chatter with the postmaster even though my heart is thumping against my ribs.• The postmasters sent enormous volumes of free mail to lobby Congress for a rate hike in 1990.From Longman Business Dictionarypostmasterpost‧mas‧ter /ˈpəʊstˌmɑːstəˈpoʊstˌmæstər/ noun [countable] British English the person in charge of a post office