From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishexponentialex‧po‧nen‧tial /ˌekspəˈnenʃəl◂/ adjective technical 1 → exponential growth/increase etc2 HMusing a small number or letter slightly above and to the right of a number or letter that shows how many times a quantity is to be multiplied by itself —exponentially adverb
Examples from the Corpus
exponential• This would produce exponential curves, which do not fit the data, particularly in the first 3 months after radiotherapy.• The liquid emptying plots were all straight lines and were fitted to a single exponential function by an iterative least squares method.• However, the fraction of light absorbed is an exponential function of the pigment concentration in a leaf of a given thickness.• Most market professionals agree that the tax-deferred funds are a major force behind the exponential growth in stock prices.• If only passive properties determine the pressure elastic modulus, an exponential increase would have been expected.• Claude has suggested that there is an exponential relationship between the number of tight junctional strands and transepithelial resistance.From Longman Business Dictionaryexponentialex‧po‧nen‧tial /ˌekspəˈnenʃəl◂/ adjective ECONOMICS exponential growth/increase/rise etc a rate of growth that becomes faster and faster over timeTropical diseases are becoming more common in affluent parts of the world due to an exponential increase in air travel during the past fifty years.The social security budget was rising at an exponential rate. —exponentially adverbDemand for eye tests from the over-60s is increasing exponentially.