From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishdittodit‧to1 /ˈdɪtəʊ $ -toʊ/ ●○○ adverb spoken informal 1 SAMEused to say that you have exactly the same opinion as someone else ‘I hated school.’ ‘Ditto.’2 used to say that what is true of one thing is also true of another Where should she go? Mississippi? Too hot. Ditto Alabama.dittoditto2 (also ditto mark) noun (plural dittoes) [countable] written SLAa mark (〃) that you write immediately under a word in a list to show that the same word is repeated
Examples from the Corpus
ditto• Or, possibly, Loopy Old Bats Against ditto.From Longman Business Dictionarydittodit‧to /ˈdɪtəʊ-toʊ/ noun [countable] a mark (") that you write beneath a word in a list so that you do not have to write the same word againOrigin ditto2 (1600-1700) Italian past participle of dire “to say”