Word family noun employee employer employment ≠ unemployment unemployed employ adjective employed ≠ unemployed employable ≠ unemployable verb employ
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishunemployableun‧em‧ploy‧able /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪəbəl◂/ adjective BEnot having the skills or qualities needed to get a jobExamples from the Corpus
unemployable• Mr M. was about sixty now, completely unemployable.• They really were rejects, zero contributors, the unlovely and the unemployable.• Who was responsible for this pleasant girl being effectively unemployable?• And should the universities churn out unemployable graduates?• Lapsed priests remain priests, but tend to be unemployable in their clerical functions.• What does resonate is the fantasy of being unemployable, of being an unmotivated object rather than a purposeful subject.• The artist is unemployable - that is why he is free.From Longman Business Dictionaryunemployableun‧em‧ploy‧a‧ble /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪəbəl◂/ adjectiveHUMAN RESOURCES not having the skills or qualities needed to get a jobPeople over 40 can suddenly find themselves unemployable. → opposite employable