From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishhucksterhuck‧ster /ˈhʌkstə $ -ər/ noun [countable] American EnglishTRICK/DECEIVE someone who tries to sell things in a way that is too forceful and not honest – used to show disapproval —hucksterism noun [uncountable]
Examples from the Corpus
huckster• My father voted Republican with the regularity of a huckster for Metamucil.• There is little eyewitness reporting; there are almost no actual scenes of the speculators and hucksters at work.• It's promoted by the natural-born hucksters within Apple because it has all the earmarks of something trendy and fashionable.• Gamblers brought wheels of fortune; hucksters set up stalls to hawk gingerbread and beer.• After all, no greedy hucksters could steal or plunder them.• Vanity Fair is the annual fair on Elstow village green, with its hucksters and cheap finery and pickpockets.• Time-share hucksters lurk in many hotel lobbies.• But he still demonstrates fluency in the language of the huckster.From Longman Business Dictionaryhucksterhuck‧ster /ˈhʌkstə-ər/ noun [countable] American English disapprovingMARKETING someone who uses forceful selling methods, especially dishonest onestime-share hucksters waiting in hotel lobbies for unwary touristsOrigin huckster (1100-1200) Middle Dutch hokester, from hoeken “to go around selling things”