From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishangelican‧gel‧ic /ænˈdʒelɪk/ adjective 1 GOOD/MORALlooking good, kind, and gentle or behaving in this way She had an angelic smile, but a dreadful temper.2 RRconnected with angels the angelic hosts —angelically /-kli/ adverb
Examples from the Corpus
angelic• Meanwhile, he gave Sien a reference so glowing that she sounded positively angelic.• angelic beings• Kee loved a dead husband who was now angelic, beyond criticism, perfect.• Timmy has such an angelic face.• They knew that, like the Dickensian waif, a good wash and new clothes would reveal an angelic face.• He felt a joy so strong it might be measured in the language of angelic orders, of powers and dominations.• Her face, innocent and angelic, was always with him.